Corporate speak is largely discredited nowadays. Mention outside-the-box thinking and helicopter views and see eyes glazing over. It is the virtually fat-free content of these phrases that makes people shut down almost immediately. If you are still pushing envelopes or inventing verbs that end in –ize, make your life easier with this handy Corporate B.S. Generator.
But as the old-school generation of this corporate speak slowly disappears, another version has already crept up.
Here is a list of the most over-used phrases today:
As in: Rockstar developer, -startup etc.
Why to avoid: Unless the subject in question has an entourage, groupies and a history of trashed hotel rooms and / or substance abuse, there is really no point. -
As in: Superstar, Supermodel, Superfan, super-awesome, super-everything
Why to avoid: Don’t devalue your own currency. If you are constantly super-excited about the most trivial matters, where do you go from there? -
As in: Sexy code
Why to avoid: Would you take your sexy code on a date? I thought not. -
A bunch of-
As in: A bunch of people
Why to avoid: Humans might share 50% of their DNA with bananas, but that is where the similarity ends. -
A ton of-
As in: Tons of new apps, tons of time
Why to avoid: Rewriting the laws of physics is not sexy (see above). -
As in: Company silo, Social Media silo
Why to avoid: Might convey the impression that you spend most of your time on Farmville. -
That’s a good question
As in: That’s a good question!
Why to avoid: Sounds awfully condescending.
What do you think? That’s a good question, don’t you think?